Property Inspections: Ensuring the Longevity of Your Rental Investment

Property Inspections: Ensuring the Longevity of Your Rental Investment

As a real estate investor, you want to make sure you’re earning as much as you can on your rental property investments. Inspections are a necessary part of maintaining and prolonging the longevity of your investment. They also provide opportunities for you to detect deferred maintenance, opportunities for upgrades, and potential lease violations. 

Prioritize inspections with your rental investments. Here’s how you can best use them to your advantage.  

When and What to Inspect

A property inspection is a physical examination of a rental unit. It involves a detailed evaluation of the interior and exterior of the property, including: 

  • Electrical systems

  • Plumbing and leak detection

  • Heating

  • Ventilation

  • Air conditioning systems

  • Roofs

  • Fireplaces

Inspections can be done at different times and are most frequently conducted before a resident moves in, after that resident moves out, and at least once during a tenancy. You will want to look for damage, necessary repairs, safety concerns, and any indication of deferred or unreported maintenance needs. When you inspect an occupied property, you have an opportunity to look for lease violations and to speak with the resident and make sure they’re enjoying their experience. 

How Property Inspections Protect Your Investment’s Value and Condition  

There are several reasons why property inspections are important. 

One of the main reasons is to ensure the safety and well-being of your residents. It's your responsibility to provide a safe and habitable environment for your residents, and an inspection will allow you to ensure everything is functioning the way it should. 

Inspections also help you to identify any maintenance issues before they become costly repairs. Regular inspections can catch small problems before they turn into big ones. Additionally, inspections can help you stay compliant with local and state laws and regulations.

Ultimately, inspections are preventing your investment from deteriorating to the point where it’s no longer valuable.

Property inspections can be used to your advantage in several ways. 

  • They help you identify issues that could affect your rental income, such as damage to the property or unauthorized occupants. 

  • Inspections can also give you the opportunity to assess your property and make necessary upgrades or improvements. For example, an HVAC system upgrade could increase energy efficiency and save you money in the long run. 

  • Finally, inspections can help you stay on top of necessary repairs and maintenance, which can prolong the life of your property and save you money in the long run.

Don’t look for reasons not to inspect. This is an important part of managing a property. Look for a Sacramento property manager who has an effective inspection schedule and provides detailed reports to you once they’re complete. 

Sacramento Rental Property Inspections: What to Know

When conducting property inspections, it's essential to follow best practices and legal requirements such as:

  • Provide residents with proper notice before conducting an inspection. You cannot simply show up and expect to look around. 

  • Document any issues or concerns discovered during the inspection.

  • Create a checklist to ensure that each item is inspected.

  • Take photos or videos to document the condition of the property.

Use a professional and experienced property inspector when you’re concerned about complex issues such as leaks, roof problems, electrical issues, or foundational problems.

Property InspectionsProperty inspections are an essential part of renting out a property and while there are several good reasons to do them, contributing to the longevity of your investment and its systems is perhaps the best reason to get on a consistent schedule. 

We can help. Contact us at PURE Property Management and we’ll take care of all your property management needs in Sacramento. 

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