Maintenance and a Comfortable Environment

Maintenance and a Comfortable Environment

March 19, 2021    |   from the Professional Blog of PURE Property Management

Maintenance and a Comfortable Environment

From the tenants point of view, their evaluation and concerns center most strongly around one central factor: maintenance and how you handle it as an owner.

This is, of course, important to the owners as much as it is to the tenants, and our relationship depends on the communications that result from service requests and repairs. A proactive, fool-proof approach is far preferable than a passive, reactive one, which can result in misconceptions and the tenant not feeling comfortable to stay in the home.

Although repairs and replacement costs can become costly, their expense is far outweighed by the higher expenditures associated with having to re- lease a property. It is preferable to keep up with regular maintenance and keep those tenants in comfortable environment.

Expectations are best established as soon as a tenant signs a lease. Provide them an outline on the life expectancy of household items and repair costs upfront along with a schedule of routine inspections. This will help give them peace of mind and hopefully secure your tenants decision to stay and renew their lease in the future. 

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